Like many others, I let the cloud pull my photos up into storage locations. Three locations actually. The most irregular uploads happen with OneDrive and that’s the image at the top of this post. It’s from Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland on a table a few days before Christmas 2014. We sold the cold kitchen alcove to a family who added a little stove without insulating the ceiling or walls. We watched the house being built so we know the only insulation below the windows is a few Racing Post bulletins.
I have two other cloud services where images upload. Flickr has a snap of a Christmas Eve Walkabout we did at the Rock of Cashel ten years ago.
And there’s a photo of Mia (7) in her Christmas play at Presentation Primary School on iCloud from mid-December 2014. The iCloud collection quickly shifts across the Atlantic where I sat at my mother’s side during her final three weeks. Mom died 60 years from the time she was in labor with me.
During this Christmas Season 2024, I’ve attended two solemn ceremonies to mark the passing of friends. Looking back on my photo collections, I expect to attend three more funerals or removals before the second week of January. And some of those memories will be snapped and uploaded to the cloud where they’ll be permanent testimonies to the spirit and soul of friends departed.