My daughter Misty approaches teaching as a vocation. She wants “to help my students reach Self-Actualization–or at least some academic content–while at school, so I try to have an environment where students feel safe, loved, and included in my classroom.”

So she has an “emergency drawer (that includes) tampons, pads, self-care, and first aid necessities (which my school doesn’t provide in each classroom). But students also need bursts of protein, hand warmers, chapstick, and things to alter their clothing like a sewing kit, safety pins, and fabric tape. If they are focused on things that need fixing, then they are not learning the content in my classroom.”

Thirteen donors contributed to the project and now Misty’s students will “feel loved, cared for, and like they belong. Knowing they can come to my Emergency Drawer to help them handle whatever their emergency is will help them get refocused on education as soon as possible.”